Sean Kennedy, MA, CMHC
Master's Level Mental Health Counselor Intern

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I have been a professional Health & Fitness Coach for over 20 years. After graduating with a B.S. from Emerson College, I completed the Fitness Instruction Program at UCLA Extension, where my studies included applied anatomy and biomechanics, exercise physiology, and nutrition. I then earned the prestigious Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) credential, which is held by all of the strength coaches in the NFL, NHL, NBA and MLB. I am also a Certified Nutrition Coach and a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach. Additionally, I am a longtime yoga & mediation practitioner and teacher. Health and wellness, in all forms, is my lifelong passion and commitment.

I will soon receive my Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Southern New Hampshire University, and am now a Registered Mental Health Counselor intern. I am particularly interested in Positive Psychology and earned The Science of Well-Being certificate from Yale University. Additionally, I did Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training with Univ. of San Diego, as well as Mindful Self-Compassion training with Dr. Chris Germer and Dr. Kristin Neff. I am a long-term meditator and am committed to contemplative practice. 

I believe the precepts of mindfulness can help us gain acceptance and live in the present moment, not the past or the future. This is important because the present moment is all we really have. I take a person-centered approach that assumes that you are the expert in your life. I want to know about your goals and create a plan with you to achieve them. I also take a strengths-based approach, meaning that we will focus on your many strengths - the ones that have gotten you this far in life. I believe that purpose and meaning are fundamental to living a fulfilling life. If you are struggling with purpose and meaning, I want to help you discover them. 

Our physical and mental health are intimately related and cannot be disconnected. In the same way that we can care for our physical health to prevent problems from arising, we can also be preemptive and preventative with our mental and emotional health. Health and wellness of all forms can be preventative. We can become stronger, healthier and more resilient in many ways, and I am committed to helping my clients achieve wellness in all forms. My goal is to give people a sense of purpose and potential, and to go beyond imagining change and into executing it. I am committed to helping people find their sense of self-agency and self-determination.